VallPress – Opinions on a Wall

Vallpress is a simple anonymous micro content management system.

The idea: At the end of a conference, the organizers tear down the huge banner, sign all over it.

Link : Vallpress on Github [Opens in a new tab]

Webhosting Angel

Built using drupal, this webhosting information portal acts as a gateway, where I help users in system administration.

Link : Webhosting Angel

WordPress Theme Designs

I am not a designer. I lack Photoshop skills but I am good with the prime tools of a front end designer – HTML / CSS and JavaScript. These are some of the themes, that I have created from scratch (well, twenty ten, default WordPress theme). All themes use WordPress 3.0 features – Custom Menus, Custom Widget Areas and some use WordPress custom Posts.

Happy Calling Cards

Simple Usability study for listing a bunch of products. Although made for a case study, I also made a product out of this study, and used google adwords to drive traffic to this site.

Also, one of the sites where my limited design skills brought out a decent design.

Link : Happy Calling Cards [Opens in a new tab]

Fifth Quarter Lacrosse

I like entrepreneur minded people. When a bunch of students approached me for help in building a website for their business project, I built this website using drupal and created a drupal theme from PSD.

Drupal 6, PHP/MySQL


Blog Post Site

Built using Drupal CMS, this project targets the internet marketers, where I provide them with blog posting services. Built using Drupal 6 and ubercart.

Link :

Web Hosting Arc

As some one who has owned a hundred domains and managed them across different servers once upon a time, I had good knowledge of the shared hosting industry. Web hosting arc is a simple listing and search web hosting services. This also acted as a gateway to talk to potential customers, where I offered system administration services, such as moving domains off servers, software installation, site optimization etc.

This website was also auctioned on and I received bids in the lower four digits, after just months of launch.

Built using PHP, Mysql and JQuery.

Twit Raise – Automate Twitter Activities

Twit raise started as a personal project to identify good links that my friends tweeted. Slowly, features were added to handle all major twitter activities. Written in PHP, this suite of scripts use a wide range of the twitter APIs.

1. Follow new people, based on interests.

Intelligent filters, based on follower count, follower following ratio, Location, profile pic, twitter clients used.

2. Unfollow users.

3. Tweet automatically.

4. Retweet automatically based on interests [identifies tweets with links].

5. Reply to tweet automatically.

Twitraise does not have a user interface. All params are set in code and activity is automated using cronjobs.