AZStore – Amazon Product Listing CMS

Amazon Product Listing CMS:

AZStore is a simple amazon product listing CMS. Using AZStore, you can create any number of pages and add products from amazon using an easy built in amazon search interface. Included with AZStore is a built in web installer and an admin section to manage your pages. There is also support for basic theming and I am working on better theming using php-h20 templating system. AZStore is built using PHP/MySQL and uses the cloudfusion amazon API.

Link : AZStore on Github [Opens in new tab]

Super Events WordPress Plugin

Super events WordPress plugin does two major things.

1. Creates an event type, as a custom post type. There is also a type taxonomy associated with the event post type. This will help you categorize events by type.

2. Creates a sidebar widget which will help users RSVP to events. Created using WordPress 3.0 hooks, this widget provides a clean ajaxified RSVP system.

Link : Super Events on Github and also on WordPress Plugin Repo

VallPress – Opinions on a Wall

Vallpress is a simple anonymous micro content management system.

The idea: At the end of a conference, the organizers tear down the huge banner, sign all over it.

Link : Vallpress on Github [Opens in a new tab]